Monday, June 16, 2014


I praise God, because the Holy Spirit works in us to conform to the image of God.

Last week was possibly the most difficult, depressing week Ive had. But counsel rings true, I was having a hard time starting dvotions, and i was not talking with God and spending time with him.

As a result, depression, self-relience, pain, frustration and discouragment settled.

I never want that feeling, that experience, to happen again.

God is always there to be found. He waits to share blessings and treasures with you as you begin to search for him again.

This past Sabbath was a blessing, among difficulty and depression from the week, Sabbath revived my heart towards Jesus.

I was reminded of the importance of the canvassing work, and to what purpose it serves in spreading the gospel.

Though a seperated myself from the Lord through my self sufficiency, I am happy as ever to be back and once again cast my cares upon him.

One care I had was imediately taken care of, and relief was brought to my heart. And yet another soon after.

Even after all the knowledge and experience with God and knowing how much he has done for me, I selfishly hoarded my time. But even after denying him, with full knowledge of what may come, He still greatly recieved me back to him with blessings waiting in the doorway as soon as I opened it.

God is good.

I beg you, if you ar reading this, and the Holy Spirit has put a burden on your heart to give more time to God, or just to focus on him more. Pray, seek, and God will recieve you and wash you, he did me, and my sins were great, many that would be repulsive to all. Purposely giving my heart into the hands of the Satan, yet when I turned to Jesus he shelterd me from the self inflicted storm.

Praise God.

This week will be a blessing, pray for me, pray for us who are laboring for souls.

Even a great destructive storm gives life giving rain to those looking to grow.

Blessings, keep burning for God.

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