Sunday, March 22, 2015

Humility and Temptation

A struggle I have had for a time, and which I have no doubt others struggle with is connecting with God on a daily basis.

Before I came to this school I did not struggle with this. Not because I was so pious but quite the opposite. I had no consistent desire to commune with God. But praise God for Ouachita Hills for showing me the difference in my life that is contingent upon the amount of time I spend with God or devote to Him.

I have slowly but surely, with the Lords assistance been realizing how essential it is the put God first and not my own wants in the morning or at night.

So a quote that I have been keeping in my mind is found in child guidance. Its set to the aspect of parents to children but I see it so relevant to myself, and I'm sharing it because others struggle as well.

"If they are weak in virtue and purity of thoughts and acts, they can obtain help from the Friend of the helpless. Jesus is acquainted with all the weaknesses of human nature, and, if entreated, will give strength to overcome the most powerful temptations. All can obtain this strength if they seek for it in humility."—(Child Guidance, 466, 467.)

Its when I realize that I am in need, when my pride is not my motive for action that I will desire to come before God for the strength I must have to be faithful to Christ's example. So I often repeat these words to remind myself in the morning.

Another problem I have is self confidence or security amidst temptation. In the sense that I am not keeping awareness, that I will choose to not spend time in watchfulness and prayer because I feel as if I am above the reach of deception. My mind has literally changed over night and become lax to the point of being completely unaware to my compromises I am committing even at the early hours of the new day.

Thus I try to think of this quote.

"By beholding we become changed. Though formed in the image of his Maker, man can so educate his mind that sin which he once loathed will become pleasant to him. As he ceases to watch and pray, he ceases to guard the citadel, the heart, and engages in sin and crime. The mind is debased, and it is impossible to elevate it from corruption while it is being educated to enslave the moral and intellectual powers and bring them in subjection to grosser passions." Test 2 ,478

I am much more often deceived and fall into Satan's traps by small incremental comprises rather than large instances of rebellion. Being aware that any exposure to things that are unfavorable to the formation of Christ-like character are a risk, an eternal risk is essential to avoiding sinning.

All in all, when it comes down to it, giving into temptation, and separating your soul from God is a result of two things.

"He who refuses to connect with God, and puts himself in the way of temptation, will surely fall. " 4T 622.3

I pray God will keep things things in your mind and this will be an encouragement in your Daily fight for purity.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Covenant Love

So lately, well since I re-listened to Pastor Asshericks sermon on Christ and his covenant, I have been thinking in the mindset of how the covenant is integrated into Christianity.

And after dwelling on it, and looking at places in scripture where it is prevalent i have came to the conclusion that this subject is pretty awesome.

The covenant, or the bond that binds us and God together is a massive and integral part of God's working in history. It also is a model for marriage and vice versa, biblical marriage shows how God's covenant is with us. All in all it is woven into the fabric of scripture quite thoroughly.

There is a lot to say about this topic but let me just state one of my favorite parts. 
Before anything but God existed, there was covenant. The relationship or covenant or standard or promises that held God, three in one, together in union was Love. A law of self-sacrifice, a standard of putting others first. 

If we could observe The Holy Spirit, The Father, and The Son existed before anything had yet been created, we could see the the Principles given us in scripture practiced and laid out plainly and purely in the words, and actions of each person of the Godhead. They would give each other the utmost attention and priority, yearn to give to the other instead of receive, and so on. Just let your imagination run and imagine, if possible the purest and most loving display of life. 

And in this union the enjoyed, but Love is a principle of other-centeredness. So what would God naturally want to do? Have more beings to lavish this affection and love on, so God created. 

Not to be loved, but to Love.

And its in this covenantal relationship of Love that God invites us to join in. True Love, with all your heart, cannot be forced, we are simply Loved by God and given the power of free will to choose to love Him in return, which He knows would be the highest of all attainments, that is to emulate the self-sacrificing principles that will ultimately bring true satisfaction. God knows this so He affords each person ample opportunity and strength to perform this Love.


Ill try to share more later, but this is all I had time to write right now, chew on it for a bit, it tastes pretty awesome.