I was reading the book pilgrims progress and I gained a practical application to issues I currently am conquering.
This Key of Promise Idea is amazingly true. God's promises are sure and can unlock the gate of despair, we need not be tortured or depressed any longer than we desire, for if we but pull out our promise we can return right back to the path, it doesn't ruin us to fall, or make mistake.
We can get back up, God can and will redeem your wasted time, money, energy, life!
He can do amazing things, He specialized in restoration. But you can't just despair, you are injuring yourself and making yourself more feeble once you continue. Christ is always reaching out to lift you out of the water. But you have the key to leave despair and your doubts of success behind.
When we fall, we can get right back up, and God will take care of our failure, He will take our losses onto Himself and free us from the troubles.
Your hard work and growth DOES NOT disappear when you fall.
Get up, your mind is becoming more like Christ's, your failure does not undo it all.
We can learn, we can write down and pray about the steps we took to giving in, and watchfully use them as beacons of warning for the next time. Satan's traps don't have to succeed, if we are watchful and hold the hand of God when we begin the day, we need not stumble.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out,
“Lord, save me!”
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.
“You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Mathew 14:29
So I must ask... Why do we doubt?
Why do I doubt? Has Jesus been unfaithful?
"Tell Jesus your wants in the sincerity of your soul. You are not required to hold a long controversy with, or preach a sermon to, God, but with a heart of sorrow for your sins, say,
“Save me, Lord, or I perish.”
There is hope for such souls.
They will seek, they will ask, they will knock, and they will find.
When Jesus has taken away the burden of sin that is crushing the soul, you will experience the blessedness of the peace of Christ."
Our Father Cares, p. 99.
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