Friday, October 23, 2015

Mind reading

I am a mind-reader. 

I can look at you and tell you exactly what thoughts you are thinking. Problem is... I am most likely wrong.

But I make my assessment of the knowledge I have, what I sense you have been saying in your body language. I remember past conversations and constantly mull them over to see what motivated you to say those things. I try so hard to find out whats really going on in the persons head I am speaking to.


I think I am afraid of failure, or losing some sort of competition that engages in each interaction I have. I collect data in as many ways as I can in the hopes that I will always know more about the person I am speaking to then they do about me.

I want the advantage, so I plague myself by not just jumping to conclusions but practically fighting my way to them through a forest of conflicting data points.

Reality is that I don't understand. Things aren't one or the other, they can be both. People can hate what I am doing and still love me or vice versa. I put everything into box and label it and then when I actually talk to a person and my label is wrong I am shocked and afraid because I lost my advantage.

This is most likely a little confusing to most people, and is simply something I have had problems understanding myself.

But is their a solution? Is it wrong to assume things? When do you have enough evidence to make a sound judgment?

We have all these things to think about. 

What I am working on now is, just ignoring my assumptions, and just communicating.

Turns out, people aren't as bad or threatening as I almost want them to be. I am wrong often, to my humiliation, but to my relief.

But you know, I have a FACT that solves all of these problems.

God is interested in my relationships, in my life. He takes my interests and binds them to His own. So where I assume and imagine, He sees clearly and discerns. He guides me when I look to Him. In the night He is a pillar of fire where I would normally be blind.

I have many benefits, many good things. Let me ponder and analyze those things instead. 
That is a key to right thinking, and a solution to overthinking. 

We think constantly for a reason, we shouldn't try to drown it out or escape from our own minds, but direct them to different thoughts. It is not impossible to think about positives and be honest with yourself. 

Its a battle each moment and we lose seems almost endlessly, but as long as we are still thinking, as long as our mind still processes, the war is not over.

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