Well its late night here, and I haven't really posted anything on this for a while, so I apologize.
I really don't feel right sharing spiritual things when I'm struggling in my spiritual life, but hey, these posts are more for myself than for who reads them, I need to realize that and stop taking so much pride in this blog.
Anyway, I thought I would take the time to do a little thought throwing.
There is a string of thoughts and logic that has always been fascinating and has been helping me see God more clearly.
Pardon me, but I'm just going to get right into it.
God is Love
Part of God's fundamentalism is his relationality.
The binding force of the universe is love, which God is the definition of.
The main aspect of Love is self-sacrifice, or giving.
John 3:16 He GAVE himself because LOVE.
Gal 2:20 LOVED me, so he GAVE
Eph 5:25 GAVE himself for LOVE, like a Husband to Wife
Its not just any giving, so many people give out of what they have or they feel they can give up fairly, they don't give until they are convinced the money or whatever isn't theirs to begin with.
But real giving, the Love giving, is where you possess something that is in all fairness yours, but you give it up anyways.
Side note: This is an aspect I struggle with, even recently I had to give up something very important to me, I thought I possessed it justly and fairly and that I saw no reason for it to be wrong, so why give it up?
What I had, I may perfectly well have in the future but I wanted to possess it by my own timing and I awakened it before it desired. So I gave it up because though it was a good thing, I needed to give it, because I want to Love God, and that means sacrifice even of things I may think I deserve.
In the end, God will choose to give me what I need the most and Ill trust him for the future. I gave for him, and I know I can't out-give God. So I will trust and Obey.
Our creator, our Father is fundamentally love. Love is something that is acted upon to another. It is something you can't have by yourself. You must have an object of affection, and object to sacrifice for.
That's why God in his nature is plural not singular, because before he created any being he would have not had an object to be love to. Unless its as Pastor Asscherick said it a sort of "Divine Family."
Even without creation God is still Love, because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Love each other.
Same thing with man, he need to likewise have a horizontal Love, not just vertical. So God gave Eve or a woman to be with us men. So now, as a man, the object of my affection and the being I am going to supremely sacrifice for on this earth is whomever I marry. The goal is to give, not to take in the marital relations. God is the perfect example of this.
He gave himself for us, the church, his sinful erring children.
Jesus knew, when he created us that it would cause him death. Isn't that almost idiotic?
Not to be irreverent but by all human standards that is like suicide or something. He would kill himself eternally to save his failing creation. Why?
Its his nature, he desires our happiness, our fulfillment, or eternity and existence above his own. Why would God, the almighty do such a thing...?
That's the beauty, its part in the unfathomable mystery of what LOVE really is... Who God really is...
Sacrifice, in life and in death, perfectly purposed to rescue me and you.
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