Obviously that spiked my interest, being the explorer and appreciator of nature by heart.
I went searching for it this past Sabbath and did it surprise me.
I live in the back country of Bauxite, Ar and there is nothing that exciting out here, until I found this little gem :)
I preceded to go take a little hike to visit the area three consecutive days, and took my friend Jesse along too.
Its pretty pretty.
On our way to find the waterfall
Needless to say, we had to walk through water a lot
Thats Jesse, he carried his camera and tripod. He took some great pics too
It was a little hot outside, but thats not a big problem, it was an all around good couple days.
This is the "water"fall, with no water, but as we found out, there is a amazing little cave in the wall!
I walked inside the cave, it was really cool, temperature wise and aesthetically too lol
Much larger than I expected, the camera just can't do it justice.
Enough room to stand, and had a little stream, which of course, I totally drank from, tasted good.
Jesse, he spent a lot of time surveying for good photo opportunities.
These pics were with my phone, You can see the cave entrance in the bottom left
View into the cave from right outside
I dont have much to say about this pic, exept that having a friend to share experiences with makes them much better.
Back to my camera shots, This was the fancy ceiling .
And this was the mine right near there, looks like a mini canyon.
So all in all, the couple days where fun, lots of picture, lots of pressing buttons on a camera I couldn't figure out, but had a great time, and I praise God that he has such beautiful gifts in nature.
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