The people of the kingdom of God are not all under one roof. They are not under a certain title, nor do they all look a certain way.
I met wonderful older lady at the door the other day, and she rejected me first off. She had asked me where I had come from or what organization I was with, and I of course told her I was Seventh-day Adventist.
At first she got me confused with other people that commonly go by the door, and she refereed to them as a "cult." Saying she didn't want to financially support something she questioned. At first, I was willing to let that go and continue walking but she said that what stood out to her was that the other people she had met wouldn't let her pray with them. Right away I knew who it was, and I knew she hadn't met Adventists.
I then asked if she would pray for me before I went, and she was delighted to. She prayed for me, very kindly, not trying to rebuke me, or pray that God would somehow bring me out of the cult she thought I might be in, no, she pray for my prosperity and my relationship with God. I was blessed.
A great conversation struck up after the prayer. We talked about bible topics and how she was helping run a Vacation Bible School. And eventually I mentioned the book "The Great Controversy", she then told me that she had been reading that book because it came in the mail, and soon enough after talking about the bible and spiritual things she started to be much more open. She said she actually wouldnt mind helping "me" but she had no money.
Then we talked more about things like the sanctuary, and how she was very interested in the Old Testament, and she told me how she has always been the odd one out because she thinks the Bible should be taken as it read, and not to be subject to human theories. I was praising God the whole conversation, I could tell she was close to the Lord Jesus.
To make a long story not so longish, she remembered she had some money for emergencies and she wanted to give it to me, and she asked what other books I had, since she had enjoyed the Great Controversy and she saw it was completely Bible based, and on a side note she said she enjoyed the theme so far that "God has always had a remnant" and I just smiled and agreed.
She ended up getting Daniel chronicals because she loves history, and Theodicy so she can learn the Origin of Evil better to explain it.
She gave me a donation, and then she said she would mind if me and a lady came and had fellowship with her and did some Bible study!
Before I left she said she must have been confused on SDAs and said that the Holy Spirit was working on her and she was softened as we talked. She said she had direct revealation from scripture but that God uses people like me to bring things to attention, and she said she was wondering if she should spend time reading the Great Controversy, and she said my visit was a conformation that she should continue to read it.
I praise God, the Lord has his people. Ill end this with a quote she mentioned during our conversation, she had just been presenting on Elijah for VBS that day.
1 Kings 19:18
"Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him."