Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Patience in Training

I was reading this morning about the Life of Joseph.

Again another example of God having one wait and learn in interesting, even difficult situations to prepare them for a special duty.

"Arriving in Egypt, Joseph was sold to Potiphar, captain of the king's guard, in whose service he remained for ten years. He was here exposed to temptations of no ordinary character... Yet Joseph preserved his simplicity and his fidelity to God."

"The youth was brought in contact with men of rank and learning, and he acquired a knowledge of science, of languages, and of affairs--an education needful to the future prime minister of Egypt."

There are many others I could cite as well whom God had placed in a position to fit them for one higher. And though not a lofty or celebrated position God kept them there for many years, specifically for Joseph, ten.

Now I myself feel very anxious at time to bring myself out of the training grounds God has placed me in. I feel as if I have been here long enough, its time to get out there. To leave schooling and ease and take on responsibility and labor.

I want to go start doing the Lords work in far off lands, like going to the middle east, or Africa or East Asia to start a work where no one else has. I want to get out on the front lines. But I have the impression that I still have time I must be trained, shown more things about who I am and I must realize more my need for God.

I don't know if you, reader, feel as anxious as I to do the work, to sacrifice ease and comfort for hardship and difficulty, But if you do, remember these stories. Joseph had no idea of the blessings God had for him, but he also had no idea of the hardships he must endure as well.

I am slowly learning to submit to God, even "good" desires. Timing is everything, and no person can truly time anything because we know not what the future holds. The plans of men are so pathetic because we are so subject to forces greater than ourselves. But when we take hold of Omnipotent power in Christ, what can we not do? What power does not submit to Christ?

I want that trust in God, confidence that that power is working for me. I think my biggest task will be to just not get in the way.

God will do as He has promised, my job now and forever is just to believe it and act accordingly.


Pray for the Church here in Zimbabwe.